Aaron Sosa


(b. Caracas – Venezuela 1980) is a freelance photographer, visual artist and teacher currently living in Montevideo, Uruguay, where he works for agencies, international editorials and corporate clients. His work has been exhibited in over 120 galleries worldwide and his photographs have been published in journals, books and magazines at an international level.

His work belongs to public and private collections in countries like Venezuela, Uruguay, Poland, Luxembourg, Cuba, Spain, Switzerland, France, USA, Colombia, Panama, Argentina and to institutions such as: Seguros Catatumbo - Venezuela, Fundación Banco Industrial de VenezuelaInstituto Nacional de la Juventud - Venezuela, Fundación MAPFRE - España, Universidad de Córdoba - Argentina, Red Cultural MERCOSUR - Argentina, Fundación para la Cultura Urbana - Venezuela, Fototeca de CubaCasa de las Américas, La Habana - Cuba, Alianza Francesa, Caracas - Venezuela, Bienal de OLOT, España, Sacramento State University, U.S.A, among others.

Since the beginning of the year 2022 he has tokenized part of his work to enter the world of crypto-art with some collections of photographs and a project made with artificial intelligence called THE NEW MAN. His NFTs belong to a large number of collectors and one of his most important projects PORTRAITS OF SURVIVORS OF NAZISM AND SHOAH was tokenized on the Sloika Marketplace on the Ethereum Blockchain.

He has participated in diverse activities related to the photography area, as well as collaborating in international events, among which can be highlighted the “Festival of Light, First National Festival of photography Clarines 2000” Venezuela, “First month of photography Caracas 2003” sponsored by the French embassy, 1st Latinamerican meeting of Photography FOTO SUR 2007FOTOPOLIS photography Festival in Lodz – Poland, XI Festival of Art and Science in Poznan – Poland, finalist in the KAUNAS PHOTO STAR 2010 (Lithuania), among others.

He held the position of photojournalist for the journals “Ultimas Noticias”, “El Mundo” and for ABN “Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias”. Between the years 2000 and 2003, he held a teaching position in the area of photography in the technical school of Visual Arts “Cristobal Rojas”, in the design institute “Instituto de Diseño Perera” and in the “Instituto Universitario Monseñor de Talavera” in Caracas.

From 2011 to 2017 he gives photography workshops in Panama on his own behalf, for the ISTMOPHOTO Photography Agency and for the Biomuseo in Panama.

In 2002 he participated as novel photographer in the First Photography Congress “I Congreso de fotografía – Maracaibo 2002” in Venezuela. That same year won third place in the VI Hall of photography Catatumbo Insurances “VI salón de fotografía Seguros Catatumbo” black and white category in Maracaibo city – Venezuela.

In 2006 he won first place in the 1st National hall of Photography – Young Photographers with Venezuela (“I Salón Nacional de Fotografía -Jóvenes Fotógrafos con Venezuela”) in the Color category – Professional. In 2007, he was awarded first place in the Professional Category, in the Goethe Institut Venezuelan Prize of photography (“Premio Venezolano de Fotografía Goethe Institut”), in 2008, he won second place in the Photography Contest Live to Fulfill it (Vive para cumplirlo) – Madrid, Spain. In 2009, he won 1st place for the best photograph in the Juan Lovera Contest.

In 2012 he was nominated for the Prix Pictet by the art curator Sofía Vollmer de Maduro.

In 2008, he developes the  Latinamerican Kaleidoscope Project, which is based in talks and itinerant exhibitions in Poland and France, specifically in the PACAMERA GalleryROKIS Cultural Complex – Suzalki, Poland; Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan – Poland, Zespół Szkół Zakonu Piarów Institute of Poznan – Poland, IKONA Gallery, Lodz – Poland and the Venezuelan Embassy of Paris – France. He is selected to participate in the 2008 OLOT Biennial in Spain. In 2009, he represents Venezuela in the “International Fair of Photography Bor 2009 – Serbia and with the traveling exhibition for Latinamerica “Emotional landscapes” (“Paisajes Emocionales”) of the MERCOSUR Cultural Network.

In June 2010, he was invited to exhibit individually in the International Festival of Photography “5. Ménes-patak Menti Nemzetközi Fotóművészeti Fesztivál” in Hungary. In 2011, he represented Venezuela in the "III Festival de Fotografía de Paraná" Entre Ríos, Argentina.

Founding member of Photographers Cooperative “LUZ CONTINUA” or CONTINUOUS LIGHT, of the “CUPIRO’S FILMS 2007 C.A” producer, of the ENPHOCO Photo Agency and the ISO CARACAS Photography Collective. He is a member of the SFERA Foundation of Poland, as a latinamerican representative.

He worked as a photographer in the Educational Technology Area in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Venezuela, as the photographer for the Fundación de Edificaciones y Dotaciones Educativas “FEDE” and for the National Observatory of Science Technology and Innovation Observatorio Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación “ONCTI”.

He has been a jury in different international photography competitions, among which we can highlight, the Guest Jury by the Catalan Federation of Photography in the Catalunya Prize and the Jury of the National Salon and Tripartite Salon of the VII edition of the FOTO ARICA International Photography Festival. Collaborating Photographer for UNICEF and AMNISTIA INTERNACIONAL.

In 2019 he was selected as one of the 25 best Venezuelan contemporary photographers to be included in the book "Nuevo País de la Fotografía" Collection "Los Rostros del Futuro". Published by the Banesco Publishing Fund in Venezuela. In 2021 he published an article in company with the Venezuelan photographer Ricardo Jiménez and a text by Erik Del Bufalo in the prestigious South American Photography Magazine SUEÑO DE LA RAZÓN. That same year, he published his series Auto-Confinamiento in the ReVista Harvard Review of Latin America - David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.

He has received numerous awards and recognitions for his documentary work and has performed as an ambassador of the arts in all Latin America and Europe, developing photography conferences and workshops all over the world.

In the year 2010 in venezuela and in the 2020 in uruguay develops the project "Portraits of Survivors of Nazism and the Shoá" with the support of the Union Israelite of Caracas and The Museum of the Shoá of Uruguay. At present this project continues in development.

He has published the photobooks: En cualquier parte, CARAcas, Venezuela Cotidiana, IN-XILIOS and Auto Confinamiento.

He has been invited as a speaker at festivals, congresses, colloquiums and symposiums among which stand out: 1st Colloquium of El Círculo, La crítica como crimen: Sobre la obra de Flusser, Lecture: "La caja negra y la relación espacio-temporal de la fotografía" and the Festival de Fotografía PhotoLab Panamá, Lecture: Principios Básicos de la Fotografía de Calle y Documental.

Currently, he works as a freelance photographer for different institutions internationally, he gives talks and workshops for individuals (classroom and online). His work is represented by several agencies globally, including: ORINOQUIAPHOTO Photography Agency (Venezuela), Deutsche Presse Agentur DPA Agency (Alemania), International Agency MAJORITY WORLD (UK), ARCHIVO LATINO (Argentina), ENPHOCO Photo Agency (Venezuela), GAIA PHOTOS Agency (Dinamarca), Photography Agency ISTMOPHOTO (Panamá), interTOPICS Agency (Austria, Alemania y Suiza), OTN Photos Agency (Italia) and FOTOIMEDIA Agency (Rusia).

Creator and Teacher of the IMAGO Plus Photographic Training Program.

He currently works as a photography teacher while developing his own photography.

Fotografía de Kremlin Prieto